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Thursday–Friday, October 19–20
Two-day deep dive: conference strands
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Participants who attend the Thursday and Friday Deep Dive will select one conference strand to focus on for two days, with an opportunity for small group discussion, classroom visits and whole group sharing of findings and takeaways.  Conference strand participation will be limited so please be sure to indicate your preference upon registration.

Cross-cutting Elements of each conference strand

  • Using the school/campus/community as a lab of learning 

  • Interaction with teachers and students 

  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion 

  • Modeled promising practices and interactive discussion sessions 


Please note that this schedule is subject to change.

Integrating language, literacy, and the arts*

*Offered by Habla Teacher Institute in partnership with Avenues

 [offered in English only]

  • María del Mar Patrón Vázquez - Habla Co-Founder

  • Kurt Wootton - Habla Co-Founder

  • Tommaso Iskra De Silvestri - Creative Director at Habla

This deep dive will be a hands-on immersion into a project-based learning experience. Focusing on the concept of Latinfuturism participants will imagine new worlds and create possible futures. Storytelling, art making, and performance will all be woven together into a culminating exhibition at the end of the day. The deep dive will include a project unpacking where participants will see the planning behind the “magic” and gain an understanding of what the critical elements are for designing hands-on, project-based experiences in their own contexts. This deep dive is for all grade levels, elementary to secondary.

Growth-Oriented Feedback: Beyond Grades 
*Offered by The DKDK Project in partnership
[offered in English only]

This workshop invites participants to consider the role feedback plays in creating learning environments and experiences that facilitate growth and deeper learning. We explore ways we can create “feedforward” loops that support learner-centered growth. We will further examine the role traditional grading systems play in our students' experience of school and grapple with how we can work within and disrupt that paradigm. Incorporating these practices builds student agency, grows meta-cognition and shifts the way a teacher designs learning.

One Foot in the Future
Offered by Big Questions Institute in partnership with Avenues 
 [offered in English only]


  •  Will Richardson - Big Questions Institute Co-Founder

Educators can no longer "wait and see" what happens next. Instead, we must now sense and feel the future we want beforehand and create it with imagination and hope. Building on the ideas in the “One Foot in the Future” ebook, join Big Questions Institute Co-Founder Will Richardson on a two-day journey that will provoke, inspire, and nurture real optimism for what comes next.

In this unique workshop, we'll explore emerging tools, mindsets, and practices that will build our imagination muscles and develop our collective ability to create a better future for schools. It's a playful, collaborative, practical, and urgent experience that will motivate you to take action in your personal as well as professional life. With our students, we can build a better future of learning in schools together. The time to start is now.

Aprendizagens visíveis, avaliação formativa e aprendizagem criativa em sala de aula 
Offered by Ativa Educação in partnership with Avenues 
[oferecido apenas em português]

​- Júlia Pinheiro Andrade - Cofundadora da Ativa Educação 
- Marina Fonseca - Avenues São Paulo


Desenvolver uma compreensão real e profunda sobre os temas de estudo é essencial para a formação de estudantes mais críticos e preparados para o futuro. Neste workshop, os participantes conhecerão a teoria da Aprendizagem Visível, em especial das Rotinas de Pensamento e das estratégias de diferenciação pedagógica que apoiam todos os estudantes a aprenderem, ganharem voz e engajamento em sala de aula. Esta concepção pedagógica favorece a análise e gestão de sala de aula para grupos heterogêneos, apoiando o professor a lidar melhor com os extremos: alunos com muitas dificuldades e alunos mais avançados, garantindo a aprendizagem e participação de todos. Para tanto, nossa proposta articula teoria e prática por meio de estudos de caso e da observação direta de aulas da Avenues - observando diretamente práticas reais de salas de aula da educação infantil e da Educação Fundamental, seguidas de rodas de conversa com base em pautas de observação. Na última etapa do workshop, os participantes receberão modelos de planejamento e vivenciarão dinâmicas para criar planos de aula com as estratégias estudadas e observadas, adaptando-as e aplicando-as à sua própria realidade.
Cronograma proposto:
Dia 19: fundamentação teórica, práticas de rotinas de pensamento visível e estudo de caso
Dia 20: observação de sala de aula, análise de práticas e planejamento de aulas

Empowering Innovation and Innovators: A Leader Playbook - Anne Baldisseri - Head of School at Avenues São Paulo
 [offered in English only]


This hands-on workshop will share key characteristics, strategies, and practices that school leaders can implement to drive innovation and positive change in their organizations. We will delve into key topics such as developing and sustaining a culture of innovation, promoting collaboration and creativity, and fostering student-centered approaches in the classroom. Over two days we will engage in interactive discussions, explore case studies, and share real-world examples where we will collectively gain and share insights and practical tools that can help each of us lead our schools in innovative ways and prepare students for success in a rapidly changing world.

Authentic Project Based Learning in Action
Oferecido em inglês e português | Offered in English & Portuguese 

  • André Arruda, Carla Gomes, Carol Miranda, Gabriela Luz and Ingrid Puche - Avenues São Paulo


Como podemos explorar todo o potencial de nossos alunos por meio de experiências de aprendizado autênticas, impactantes e envolventes? Junte-se a nós para investigar como estruturar projetos práticos, conectados ao mundo real,  que inspiram curiosidade e promovem aprendizagens significativas! Por meio de observações em sala de aula, discussões entre alunos e professores, workshops baseados em projetos e sessões colaborativas, você aprenderá estratégias práticas para planejar projetos utilizando metodologias ativas que integram diferentes áreas do conhecimento, colocam o aluno no centro do processo de aprendizagem e resultam em produtos autênticos onde professores e alunos são transformados pelo próprio aprendizado.

How can we unleash the full potential of our students through authentic, impactful, engaging learning experiences? Join us as we explore how to create hands-on, real-world projects that inspire curiosity and promote deep learning! Through classroom observations, discussions among students and teachers, project-based workshops, and collaborative sessions, you will learn practical strategies for designing projects utilizing active methodologies that integrate different areas of knowledge, placing the student at the center of the learning process and resulting in authentic products where teachers and students are transformed through their own learning.

Emerging Technologies in Education - Bryan Iversen - Director of Technology and Diana Dias - Technology Integrator 

 [offered in English only] 

Emerging technologies are reshaping education as we look into the future, turning once far-fetched ideas into tangible realities. These innovations promise to revolutionize learning, but it's our responsibility to navigate this new terrain with thoughtfulness and foresight. During these sessions, we will explore how emerging technologies can be leveraged to help amplify and enrich learning through workshops, classroom observations, and ethical discussions.

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